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Watch my Cosmic Brilliance Positive YouTube Shows To Keep Informed!
Truth Disclosure has been rapidly speeding up these last ten years, for those paying attention. I find Alex Collier's information from the '5th Dimensional Andromedans' sincere and interesting. One must always consider that most contactees, abductees, insider SSP informants, and astronauts, have been 'interfered with' in one way or another. Therefore, it is always prudent to consider at least a small percentage will be disinformation; albeit the informant doesn't feel that and can pass lie detector tests. (http://www.alexcollier.org)
My favorite quote from one of Alex's Andromedan elders is: THE LOVE THAT YOU WITHHOLD IS THE PAIN THAT YOU CARRY - FROM LIFETIME TO LIFETIME.
I also feel it is worth the $99.00 per year to watch Cosmic Disclosure, Emery Smith's fascinating thirty-minute shows on www.gaia.com. It will allow the public to get more up-to-speed fairly fast. I also appreciate Regina Meredith's interviews on Gaia as well.
Notable persons to have publicly stated that UFO evidence is being suppressed include Senator Barry Goldwater, Admiral Lord Hill-Norton, (former NATO head and chief of the British Defense Staff), Brigadier General Arthur Exon (former commanding officer of Wright-Patterson AFB), Vice Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter (first CIA director), astronauts Gordon Cooper, Edgar Mitchell and Buzz Aldrin, and former Canadian Defense Minister, Paul Hellyer, to name a few. The numbers are rapidly increasing every year.
See on Gaia.com Emery Smith's Cosmic Disclosure & Undisclosed shows.
Q: What's the Bottom Line - 2012 onward?
Here is UK Simon Parkes' answer: "Well, the bottom line is; it's more positive than you would think for us because on the
21st of December, 2012, an excess of three million people who were critically 'awake' at that crucial time when our solar system was positioned at the equator of the galaxy, pushed the planet forward with their consciousness.
The CERN Hadron Collider failed to operate, fortunately. Therefore, it was unable to counteract by jumping Earth into another negative Timeline. We have maintained a positive timeline now for about 15 years. There were various agendas, but the primary objective of the Hadron Collider, the CERN device; was to put the earth on another timeline that was in alignment with a NWO agenda; not the best for the people. That failed to operate; due to the power of 35 volunteers uniting with me in conscious intent, along with the participation of Gaia, Mother Earth, and others.
We are looking at some very challenging years ahead. There will be a lot of pain
that we will have to process, integrate and go through.
We have to go through it because we cannot come out the other end unless
we've experienced that integrative process and transformational learning." - S.P.
See 5 Healing Tools For Integration for help with that.
"My hope is that as we move closer towards one minute to midnight; those
people in high office will jump the ship and come join people like you and
me. It is my belief that these people should have amnesty. By and large, there will be some people who committed such atrocities that you cannot forgive - but they are unlikely to come and join us. They will be the ones that go into a deep underground bunker, or get off planet, or suicide. Those people in elite families who are victims, as much as anybody else, and who suddenly wake up to the truth of their actions and, have the courage and sincerity to come over and say, 'this is the knowledge that I am willing to share with you guys'; then - they should be welcomed. They should be forgiven for whatever it is they have done; because we need to forgive. We need to move forward.
I can see a phase where many traditional structure systems of power that we know
will just collapse ... not overnight - one tier will go, and then later, the next tier will go
- like a domino effect ... falling down. There will then be a critical point where there is
no 'government'.
An example of the power of united people occurred in Iceland. What happened in
Iceland was that ordinary people went into the Icelandic Parliament and physically
took the members of Parliament out onto the street. That has never been reported
by 'main stream' news because many 'elite' don't want that happening in other
countries. The new Icelandic constitution was re-written simply - with people together
because they wanted to reach as many people as possible." - S.P.
"The point I am making is that when people are pushed to a certain point,
they stand up and find a voice, and as long as that voice is not too violent;
it can actually bring forth something positive." - Simon Parkes
Country Disclosures provided at www.educatinghumanity.com
Watch some of the short Disclosure videos if you have not seen 120 hours of over 400 Disclosure testimonies provided by officials; through Dr. Steven Greer's efforts -- all willing to testify under oath before Congress. What should that tell you?
If you have not seen the two Snowden movies, Citizen 4 and Snowden by Oliver North, it may be of interest to do so.
Remember, as the wise Andromedans said, "It is time for you humans to keep your innocence, yet drop your naivete." It is time to WAKE UP. Apathy, denial and fear are no longer valid excuses.
You have been given many hints and much help; 9-11, Bush voting himself in, and all presidents except for Van Buren and Trump reported coming from the same hidden bloodline ancestor, King John of England. Trump will win the election ... most likely 2 terms. The 2nd term will be a surprise...(prediction)
Interview with an off-world Lyran Pleiadian; (our cousins), who was shot down in his ship in the 1970's. Click on the picture to start watching. >>
-Interesting Ways of Discerning Truth
Reverse Speech Used to Discern the Truth
When someone is speaking or singing a song and you play the song or speech backwards using special equipment, it is indeed shocking what you will hear if you listen carefully. Many songs from the Beatles and others has been tested this way. I believe one of the few songs that is the SAME forward and backwards is the Hallelujah Chorus. Please refer to David Oates, founder of Reverse Speech at www.davidoates.com. It is very revealing to listen to politician speeches this way.