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Super Soul Solutions Videos

NOTE: Positive New Dispensation from Source/Prime Creator & 'Angelics'! From

12/2012 onward, the 'failed' long-time 'polarity experiment' has ended. Part of the experiment was to see what percentage of "negativity" (negativity creates challenges), that was ideal to ensure continued soul evolutionary growth. Specific explanations regarding the ideal percentage - you will find in the Episodes below.

You can now connect more easily with Source through the Hu sound and visualizing the New White with Golden  Rays of Transformation pouring down from above into all Realms - for Awakening & Freedom. This is unprecedented in our universe's long history.                 (To explore the sound of Hu as in Hu-man, click on "Media' above and listen to 5/28/20 & 6/11/20 shows with guest Scott Lemriel). 


We are also now getting assistance from the Galactic Federation of Worlds as well as our Earth Alliance Space Force to remove the "naughties" and increase our vibrations towards 5th Dimension; securing the positive timeline for our best future. 





Hello EveryBody and EverySoul!


    I welcome you all to Super Soul Solutions TV.  Offered here in a Q&A format are 67 short, provocative, yet 'spiritually logical' answers to key questions and mysteries about:

Our Purpose, Why We Are Here, Who We Really Are, What We Signed On For, Who Our Creator is, and What Is our Destiny.

    Many of you have expressed feeling overwhelmed, overworked, hopeless, and a little depressed by the chaotic craziness in the world; so there’s no better time to offer this more positive overview.

    For this debut, I have chosen to condense and share Robert Shapiro’s channeled information from 'Zoosh',

a cosmic historian who describes being both Creator’s 'Companion' and who also embodied as a Planetary Being twice; thus able to access such a ‘Big Picture’ view ... (interesting concept).

     I wish to thank both Zoosh and Robert Shapiro for providing these unusual and thought-provoking answers at such a transitional time on Earth. As with anything, take in what resonates with you and discard the rest.


This does not claim to be the only truth; merely rarely discussed perspectives to consider. Feel how they sit with you and yours.

  The Explorer Race series can be found at     


                   ABOUT CREATOR:

* WAS our Creator created?

* HOW was Creator created?

* DOES Creator feel there is something bigger beyond IT?

* WHY does Creator feel there is something beyond IT?

* WHAT is the All-Reaching feeling essence that Creator carries?

* WHAT's the purpose of creation?

* ARE there other Creators in the Multiverse?

* IS there a Council of Creators?

* HOW did the Council of Creators feel about the Creation ideas & "age" of our Creator?

* WHAT are the characteristics of young humans on our planet; say in their twenties?

* WHAT did Creator spend IT's 'time' doing before creating this Universe?

* WHAT is the foremost requirement for all Creator's creations?

* WHAT are 5 examples of Pre-qualifications for any Creator's creation to endure?

* HOW did Creator get IT's ideas for IT's Universal creation?

* WHAT 8 main agendas did the Creator have for IT's Creation?

* WHAT is the #1 thing that any Creator does not want to do with their creation?

* WHAT is the raison d'etre for humanity?

* DOES hard work and application allow us to become more of who we are?

* HOW does our Creator grow?

* What are 11 specific characteristics of our Creator's nature?

* WHAT are 3 core Feeling signatures of Creator?

* HOW do you get more connected to Creator?

* IS the Creator actually "perfect"?

* WHAT are the 2 main lessons for any creator?

* WHAT's the one skill or attitude every creator needs, and WHY?

* WHAT are the 3 most important things we as humans are learning?

* What are the 3 required steps for a Creator to create well?

* WHAT was the Creator reminded of from the Council of Creators?

* HOW does that 'reminder' contribute to us feeling more pressure? C-A-R-E

* WHAT's our planet's destiny?

* WHY was the destiny of the planet changed form the original concept?

* WHAT specifically does Creator hope for us?

* HOW did Creator get IT's ideas for IT's Creation?

* WHAT is the all-reaching feeling intent that Creator carries? 

* WHAT are the passions/characteristics/nature of Creator?

* WHY do those passions/characteristics influence US?

* WHAT specifically are the 8 key agendas of Creator's "game" on Earth?


                         ABOUT US:

* WHY is self-inquiry important?

* WHY did we come to earth as reincarnating souls?

* WHAT is one key thing we learn in Creator apprentice training?

* WHAT was the #1 requirement for entering Creator's game?

* WHO are we really?

* WHAT are we as souls in human bodies accomplishing here & WHY is it important?

* WHAT are we here to DO and BE?

* HOW is chaos useful in positively influencing creation?

* WHY is earth considered a pivotal experiment in the in the universe?

* WHY does Creator allow so much negativity here?

* WHAT is an example of what no more than 2% negativity looks like?

* WHAT was the intention and end result for negativity?

* WHAT is a "title" for the 2% of Creator that's humanity participating in this game/play?

* WHAT is the definition of The Explorer Race?

* WHAT is one example of us acting like the Explorer Race?

* WHAT is our relationship with our Creator?

* WHAT are 2 standard soul End Game options when leaving this earth?

* WHAT % of humanity chooses Option 1 or Option 2 in the previous answer?

* WHY is this?

* WHAT is the important key to know about manifesting easily?

* WHAT is the optimal focus to have for healing our body?

* WHAT IS the "Awakening" mean?

* HOW do we know we shifted from 3rd to 4th dimension or higher?

* WHAT is the ultimate application of spiritual & material mastery in the physical world?

* WHAT is so unique about coming here to earth & taking on a physical life?

* WHAT is experiencing the physical plane helping us understand?

* WHAT is the key to transitioning from what we 'think' to who we really are?

* HOW does material creation occur?

* WHAT makes the molecules and matter come together in physicality?

* WHY are we seeing so many negative things happening now?

* WHAT ability is the most useful to help us through this time of transition?

* WHERE do the thoughts of Creator come from? 

* WHAT is the quickest way to connect up to Creator?

* WHAT 4 feelings are the hallmark of graduating from The Grand Earth Experiment?

* WHAT does earth train us in?




In Episode 1, you will find answers to these questions:

  1. Was Our Creator created?

  2. How was Our Creator created?

  3. Does Our Creator feel there is something

      bigger beyond It?

  4. Why does Our Creator feel there is

      something beyond It?

  5. What is the all-reaching feeling essence 

       that Our Creator carries?

  6. What’s the Purpose of Creation?

In Episode 2 you will find answers to these questions:

1. Are there other Creators in the multiverse?

2. Is there an actual Council of Creators?

3. How did the Council of Creators feel about Our Creator’s ideas and were there any concerns?

4. What characteristics do we have like Our Creator?

5. What did Our Creator spend time doing before creating this universe?

6. What is the foremost requirement for every Creator's creations?

7. Give me six pre-qualifications for any Creator's start-up creations to ensure it will last a long time?

8. How did Our Creator get its ideas for this universal creation?


In Episode 4 you will find answers to these questions:

1. How does Our Creator grow and what’s the purpose for growth?
2. What are the 11 specific characteristics of Our Creator’s nature?
3. What are the three core signature Feelings of Our Creator?
4. How does one feel more connected to Our Creator?
5. If Our Creator desired anything - what would that be?
6. What is Earth’s desire and destiny?
7. Why was the destiny of the planet changed and by whom?

In Episode 5 you will find answers to these questions:

1. Is Our Creator actually perfect?
2. When Creator began to create, what did It create first?
3. What are two requirements that any creator has to learn & be accountable for?
4. Name one skill or attitude that every creator needs - and why?
5. What was Our Creator reminded of by the Council of Creators?

In Episode 6 you will find answers to these questions:

1. What are the agendas Our Creator had for Its Creation?

2. What are several gifts that Our Creator gave us?

3. How do we heal negativity?

4. What does redeeming negativity mean?

5. What did Our Creator notice was missing in this Universe?

6. What optimal percentage of negativity did Our Creator find could provide growth without suffering?

7. What were the two requirements that we humans (The Explorer Race) had to qualify for before being here on Earth?

8. What is planet Earth known for?

9. What are WE doing to serve the Multiverse?

10. How does a Creator experience individuation?

11. How does Our Creator grow?

12. What gift or benefit did Our Creator give us by “allowing” the gift of ignorance or forgetting?

13. What’s the overall percentage Our Creator used of Itself to create the Explorer Race and this game?

14. How can you manifest more awe, wonder and magic in your life?

In Episode 7 you will find answers to these questions:

1. Why is self-inquiry important?

2. Why did we come to earth as reincarnating souls?

3. What’s the purpose and benefit to have human lifetimes compared to other types of lifetimes?

4. What is the #1 most beneficial reason we incarnated here as souls on earth?

5. Why is earth’s purpose so unique and is it considered an opportunity?

6. What are three specific reasons souls come here to earth?

7. What is the hardest challenge for souls being here on earth?

8. What do the human volunteers generally end up doing when here?

9. How do you gain integrated wisdom?

10. What are the two pre-qualifications within our soul’s past experiences for being allowed to enter this Creator’s game?

In Episode 8 you will find answers to these questions:

1. What are the agendas Our Creator had for Its Creation?

2. What are several gifts that Our Creator gave us?

3. How do we heal negativity?

4. What does redeeming negativity mean?

5. What did Our Creator notice was missing in this Universe?

6. What optimal percentage of negativity did Our Creator find could provide growth without suffering?

7. What were the two requirements that we humans (The Explorer Race) had to qualify for before being here on Earth?

8. What is planet Earth known for?

9. What are WE doing to serve the Multiverse?

10. How does a Creator experience individuation?

11. How does Our Creator grow?

12. What gift or benefit did Our Creator give us by “allowing” the gift of ignorance or forgetting?

13. What’s the overall percentage Our Creator used of Itself to create the Explorer Race and this game?

14. How can you manifest more awe, wonder and magic in your life?


In Episode 9 you will find answers to these questions:

  1. How is chaos actually useful in positively influencing Creation?

  2. What was the motivation that was encoded and sanctioned in all of our hearts from Our Creator?

  3. How do you begin to create your unique destiny?

  4. What is the key quality Creator instilled in us to ensure that we, as the Explorer Race, would continue to be motivated in this most challenging of missions?

  5. How does Our Creator refer to the human race?

  6. Why are we here on Earth?

  7. What is one future destiny for the human race, if we so wish?

  8. Can you think of one example of you or anyone else acting like a member of “The Explorer Race?”

  9. What is our true relationship with Our Creator in this game?

  10. Which of three soul options I will offer do you sense, feel, or think you will choose when you cross over as a soul upon leaving this earth after “death” to your body?


In Episode 10 you will find answers to these questions:

1. What does “Awakening” mean?
2. What are 6 signs of Awakening

In Episode 11 you will find answers to these questions:

1. What is the key to assist transitioning from what we think we are to who we really are?
2. How does material creation first occur?
3. What holds matter together in physicality?
4. What two abilities are the most useful to cultivate to help us through this time of transition?
5. Where do the thoughts of Creator come from?
6. What four feelings are most helpful to us in enabling our graduation in Earth Game Mastery school?
7. For what situations does this Earth game prepare us?
8. Why does realizing that “you are your own savior” create truly cosmic power?
9. How do you assist uncomfortable feelings to transform effortlessly within your body?


In Episode 12 you will find answers to these questions:

1. Why do you use ‘Our Creator’ instead of just ‘Creator’?
2. What is Creator’s destiny for us as graduates who will receive the hard-earned Earth Game Mastery degree?
3. Why does Our Creator want this destiny? What’s the desire It has for Itself?
4. What’s the best way to manifest our most positive future?


Join Me in a Call to Action -

To Reawaken and Embrace the New

by Dedicating Ourselves To Being the Benevolent Co-Creators

We Are Meant To Be!

© Merrily R. Milmoe, SuperSoulSolutions - All Rights Reserved, 2014-2024        Privacy Policy

Disclaimer: All content and media featuring Merrily Milmoe are created and published online for informational purposes only.

It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.

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