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Extraordinary 4th Phase Divinia Water
To learn about the Unique Properties of Divinia 4th Phase water please see my other website:
Do you think your tap water is safe?
Find out in 2 minutes by entering your zip code
Are you seeking a healthier lifestyle and know
super pure water is a crucial element for your health?
Let me introduce you to Divinia EZ/4th Phase Water!
Check out all the facts in my first published Shout Out, Introduction. I did a radio show on all the facts at CosmicBrilliance,YouTube. You'll be intrigued by all the exceptionally unique properties Divinia 4th Phase bottled water provides. These one-of-a-kind Divinia properties have been verified by seven universities!
Shout Out, Introduction 
If you found Divinia 4th Phase Water of interest
please visit my website where you can learn more and start right away. Place your order!

“Love is the Universal solvent." - Dr. William Tiller , Professor  emeritus at Stanford University

Water is the universal solvent physically.

                     Love can be seen physically in water. -Masaru Emoto >>>



"The Only 10x Distributor in the World"


10X Stronger DIVINIA    ~   $33.00/16 oz


"Merrily, I love this water; both for drinking and for topical use. I have been spraying my wound with the Divinia 10X where the doctor inserted the port for my chemo treatments. My nurse noticed that my body had somehow dispelled the old internal stitches and healed my wound in less than two months. She said, 'I have NEVER seen anything like that before!'  Time to order more from you".~ Deb K, Ca. 2020

I am very grateful to Divinia for accommodating my special request to obtain 10x Divinia bottled water for my customers. Divinia runs water through 16 purification processes ten times and includes 10x the signature frequency added at the end in order to make this 10X super-strong, super-pure, and super oxygenated hydrating water. It takes 4 days to make 8 bottles of this deuterium depleted precious liquid.


You may drink it, albeit it is expensive to do so. Some people anecdotally have reported very beneficial results for their eyes and for various topical skin issues using Divinia 10x. 


I had a severe bacterial chest rash that cleared up quickly in two days by spraying it twice a day and letting it air dry. I also am also spraying it directly into my eyes to see if I can clear up a condition I have and it appears to be working.*

         However, I do wish to be clear that No Claims are being made!


10X Divinia in 16 oz. bottles

Allow 7-14 business days for delivery



Merrily R. Milmoe

Divinia Authorized Discount Sales

c: 510-410-8717

 Please use glass only to contain Divinia water.

Dropper bottles for eyes, spray bottles for skin, and 2-inch cotton pads

for overnight use can be found at Health Food Stores or online.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.


© Merrily R. Milmoe, Northern California Authorized Distributor - All Rights Reserved, 2020


For legal reasons, the information found on this website and any advice given by Merrily Milmoe is not intended to replace the advice and treatment of a physician who specializes in the treatment of mental or physical disease.

Although the author and researcher, Merrily Milmoe, has attempted to provide meaningful understanding of all topics discussed and has also attempted to ensure accuracy and completeness of any information that originates from any other source than her own, she assumes no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions or any inconsistency herein. Any slights of people or organizations are entirely unintentional.

The information given by Merrily Milmoe or any use of the information set forth herein is entirely at the reader’s discretion. Merrily Milmoe is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the application of any of the advice, preparations or procedures described in the author’s personal messages, articles, books or products on this web site.

The statements made herein are for educational and theoretical purposes and are based on Merrily Milmoe’s own opinion, theories and personal experience.

As far as law is concerned, you should always consult with a health care practitioner before taking any dietary, nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or before beginning or stopping any therapy including starting or stopping any pharmaceutical drug. Because of this, the author and researcher, Merrily Milmoe, is not intending to provide any medical advice or offer a substitute thereof, and makes no warranty whatsoever, whether expressed or implied, with respect to any advice, product, device or therapy.

Except if otherwise noted, no statement on this website has been reviewed or approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration or the Federal Trade Commission. Readers should use their own judgment and discretion, or consult a holistic medical expert or their personal physicians for specific applications to their individual issues or problems.

Though Merrily Milmoe does not advocate the use of any particular form of health care, she believes that the facts, figures, knowledge and opinions presented herein should be available to every person concerned with improving his or her state of health and happiness. The intention for putting forth any of the information and advice that she originates or endorses, derives from her strong wish that all people find the best of health and personal fulfillment.

© Merrily R. Milmoe, SuperSoulSolutions - All Rights Reserved, 2014-2024        Privacy Policy

Disclaimer: All content and media featuring Merrily Milmoe are created and published online for informational purposes only.

It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.

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